Calendar for 2021/2022
Hilltop generally follows Henrico County Public School Calendar,
though we are open some days they are closed.
though we are open some days they are closed.
2 September’s tuition and one month’s deposit, both due on or before this date
10 *Open House* - Children & Parents Visit Classrooms
Anytime between 9:00am -11:00 am
(This is OPTIONAL: Families may come for a quick visit to your child’s classroom, meet the teacher, find their backpack hook, and look around. You may also bring school supplies at this time.)
13 First Day of School
11 Columbus Day - NO SCHOOL
2 Election Day - NO SCHOOL
24-26 Thanksgiving Holiday - NO SCHOOL
20-31 Winter Break - NO SCHOOL
3 School Resumes
17 Martin Luther King Holiday - NO SCHOOL
4 Staff Continuing Education Conference - NO SCHOOL
4-8 Spring Break - NO SCHOOL
18 Henrico County Schools Closed - NO SCHOOL
20 End of Year Concert (ALL CLASSES)/Last Day of School
6 Summer Adventure Camp begins (OPTIONAL/OPEN TO THE COMMUNITY)
2 September’s tuition and one month’s deposit, both due on or before this date
10 *Open House* - Children & Parents Visit Classrooms
Anytime between 9:00am -11:00 am
(This is OPTIONAL: Families may come for a quick visit to your child’s classroom, meet the teacher, find their backpack hook, and look around. You may also bring school supplies at this time.)
13 First Day of School
11 Columbus Day - NO SCHOOL
2 Election Day - NO SCHOOL
24-26 Thanksgiving Holiday - NO SCHOOL
20-31 Winter Break - NO SCHOOL
3 School Resumes
17 Martin Luther King Holiday - NO SCHOOL
4 Staff Continuing Education Conference - NO SCHOOL
4-8 Spring Break - NO SCHOOL
18 Henrico County Schools Closed - NO SCHOOL
20 End of Year Concert (ALL CLASSES)/Last Day of School
6 Summer Adventure Camp begins (OPTIONAL/OPEN TO THE COMMUNITY)
Summer Adventure Camp...June 6 - August 11 (Mondays - Thursdays)
• Special Events, Parties and Celebrations not on this calendar will be scheduled and announced throughout the year.
• Hilltop Preschool follows Henrico County Public School calendars and will be closed on most days that they are closed. We also follow their closings/delays for inclement weather.
• Special Events, Parties and Celebrations not on this calendar will be scheduled and announced throughout the year.
• Hilltop Preschool follows Henrico County Public School calendars and will be closed on most days that they are closed. We also follow their closings/delays for inclement weather.